Race Day Schedule

7AM Race Day Registration and Packet Pick-up opens,
Elmhurst University Gymnasium

7:00 AM Trolleys begin from York St and Vallette St [South]
With 2 stops on Spring Rd.
And from York High School…Trolley page

7:00 AM Start Line and Finish Line installation complete
Sound system complete
Announcements begin

8:30 AM Dignitaries to Start Line, buses loaded

8:30 AM Registration and Packet Pick-up closes

8:45 AM Honor Guard, Honorary Starter, Dignitaries, Men of Spirito! and Jim Cornelison in position

8:45 AM Welcome by Dan
Thank volunteers, introduce dignitaries

8:47 AM Fr Tom invocation

8:50 AM Back to Dan, any final dignitaries that come unannounced.

8:52 AM Final remarks by Dan [families, loved one, military] Mayor

8:53 AM Intro Honorary Starter Mark Madigan

8:54 AM Moment of silence

8:55 AM Men of Spirito! Patriotic Medley

8:57 AM Jim Cornelison anthem

8:59 AM 30 second countdown

9:00 AM Start……”Wonderful World” Louis Armstrong, Lee Greenwood, “Proud to be an American”

10:20 AM Awards on stage, in warming tent.

Trolley’s last run 11:30 AM